Vegan Life
Ultimate Master's Lecture 2019 4/4(Thur)-7(Sun) 본문
Ultimate Master's Lecture 2019 4/4(Thur)-7(Sun)
Vegan Life 2019. 4. 9. 21:08Ultimate Master's Lecture 2019 4/4(Thur)-7(Sun)
2019 4/4(Thur)
"Single is the best solution. It is better not to have girl or boy friends.
But If you have, don't abandon your family, boy or girl friends."
"We have to make our life best. Everything in life is good for us.
Wealth, money etc make our life comfortable to meditate well.
You can earn money to help other people."
I bother you as less as possible. I am here for the truth for you.
If you talk too much, you lose much energy.
Be acceptance. Be humble.
You have to stand up for yourself.
Only this time, this life!
Use your wisdom and intelligence.
Use your love, compassionate, mercy and help people.
Do something to make people be vegan and
try to save people not to go to hell
I subscribe that you heal.
Rainbow Color's Budha Jewery : 석가모니 부처님의 무지개빛 구슬사리
moon stone = crystal
We need balance between self confidence and arrogance.
Let everything(it) go and leave nobody.
Love does't mean always smoothy talk.
You have to do spontaneously and automatically.
Plant & flowers in green house are waiting for returning back their places.
Punch Line is still coming.
"Pay Attention" is your progress.
"Arhatship" 아라한과
The Enlighten Nature is Emptiness,
Back to the void.
Nothingness itself became disappeared.
4/6(Sat) DVD
<7세계선물의 의미>
더 높은 영적차원으로 올라가도록 에너지를 끌어올려준다.
문제가 없다는 말에서 문제도 부정적인 단어이므로 사용하지 말 것.
긍정적인 단어만이 힘이 있고 부정적인 단어를 사용하면 에너지힘이 감소한다.
장난감에 빠져서 진리에 귀기울이는 것을 잊지마라.
긴급상태에서라도 신통력을 사용하면 수명이 짧아지거나 등등의 댓가를
반드시 치루어야 한다.
해탈을 보장하는 명상수행법문을 전수받아야 한다.
4/6(Sat) Master's Lecture with Surangama Sutra
I was born from Master's Mouse(Teanching).
Rely on yourself not Master.
Do your job as perfect as you can.
You gain it thru meditation.
SMP: Spiritual Merit Point
Clean inside!
Cleanness has many forms.
Direct Karma means this life time.
Contribute Karma means collective Karma that people affect you arround you.
We have to be precept transmitter controlling body & mind.
4/7(Sun) 00:00-02:00
You have to turn it around.
Offer Budha something and Be thankful!
"Bless us(food, house, family etc..)" is worng concept.
Choose your friend carefully.
4/7(sun) 18:30-23:30
다른 나라의 정상회담은 우리나라와 별 상관없다.
전세계 외교상황을 통제할 수는 없다.
남북이 함께 하는 것이 중요하다.
함께해야 강하고 함께하지 않으면 약해진다.
명상수행이래 한국이 변하고 있다.
Master's clothes screen out non too seekers.
You have to behavior very well and keep your dignity.
Purity and sincerity will attract more blessing from Heaven.
Don't wish anything but liberation from 3 realms.
누가 어떤 내용으로 기도하는지 즉각 구별할 수 있는 것은 Telepathic Frequency때문이다.
Hungry Ghost Mantra: 옴짜리 츠와리 ...... 스와하 스와하
Mantra is information or order from the universe.
Power of compassion(benevolence) does not distruct any planet.
'Healthy Story > Natural Healing' 카테고리의 다른 글
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